Halloween Kids Treat. Ghost Lollipop

Easy Kids Halloween Treats for School

Easy Halloween Kids Treats. Ghost Lollipops

My kids are pretty young, but I have already discovered the hard way, you remember treats on Halloween for their classes, or you will have real monsters and witches to deal with. I don’t know about you, but as a mom there never seems to be enough time to do what you need to, let alone anything extra. So, for this year’s kids Halloween treats for school I needed something quick, easy, cute, and nut-free. Read on for directions on these super easy ghost kids Halloween treats.

What You Will Need

  1. Lollipops
  2. Bowl white coffee filters
  3. Sharpie
  4. Ribbon
  5. Scissors
Lollipops, scissors, ribbon, coffee filters, marker


  1. Precut your ribbon. I cut mine to about 6 inches so I would have enough to make a cute bow.
  2. Grab 1 or 2 coffee filters to make your ghost. I liked to use 2 to make them opaquer. 
  3. Get 1 lollipop and put it in the middle of the coffee filter on the inside. Wrap the coffee filter down and pinch at the base of the sucker as shown below. 
  4. Wrap your ribbon around the lollipop and tie in a bow. 
  5. Use a black marker to make whatever type of face you want. I did just eyes and a round mouth on most. 
  6. That’s it!
Coffee filter and lollipop to make ghost lollipop Halloween treat
Kids Halloween treat
Kids Halloween Treat. Ghost Lollipop
Super Cute!!

After making nearly 80 of these things I was not about to put them in a grocery sack to send them off to school. I put ours in the kids Halloween buckets for a cute presentation. You could also place them on a tray of some sort. Overall, the kids loved these and they were so excited to take them to school. I was so excited that they were so easy lol. 

Halloween treats. Ghost Lollipops in a Halloween bucket.
Presentation is EVERYTHING!
Halloween ghost lollipops on a decorative tray.

Have fun with these, there is so many options other than ghost. You could use red tissue paper to make a vampire or green paper to make a monster, maybe even glue on some googly eyes. Happy Halloween Everyone.