Tag: dusting

  • Decrease the Amount of Dust in Your Home

    Decrease the Amount of Dust in Your Home

    No matter how much you clean, dust will enter your home. Dust contains allergens, dust mites, dander, dead skin cells, dirt, and pollutants. Nothing that you want in your home. For people who suffer from allergies or asthma increased dust can lead to worsening symptoms, the very air in your home could be making you…

  • The Correct Way To Dust Your Home

    The Correct Way To Dust Your Home

    Dusting is a chore that I always thought I was doing right but I am recently learning I have been doing wrong all along. Running a feather duster occasionally along surfaces will not cut it. I hear my mother now, “Move that when you dust, get in between there”! I guess I should have listened…